You're invited to the

Online Bible Study

Available Now

Struggle well. Fight for progress.
Know the one who has fought for you.


As I survey our world today, shifts in society have had an impact on our spiritual vibrancy and the way we interact with God. We are depleted, exhausted, nauseous, and stuck. We are distraught by the uncertainty and anxiety around us and by the fear, lust, pride, and doubt within us. We don’t know how to manage it—and feel helpless. We need a guide to emerge who will show us how to move forward.

The good news is that we have such a Guide. He looks at us not with eyes of condemnation but with compassion. He has many things to teach us—if we have ears to listen.

Rest & War is a call to battle and to build—to war against the Enemy so you can find rest for your soul. I’m not talking about fighting skirmishes for your ego or building flimsy kingdoms that fall like a house of cards. I’m talking about expending your maximum energy for the greatest of all causes. I want you to fight the battle of the ages and build a kingdom that will never fade.

The challenge is before you. Are you ready to accept it? Let’s jump in and begin.

What to expect with the Rest & War Online Bible Study


Free Emails

  • Watch the video teaching sessions with Ben Stuart any time between Monday and Sunday. You can watch on your own or with a group.

Weekly video teaching

  • Check your inbox every Monday morning. You'll find your weekly video, direction for study materials, and other important information there.

Personal Study

  • The Rest & War study guide is your recommended resource. Journal through the workbook and respond to the questions at your own pace.

Introducing Ben Stuart

  • Ben Stuart is the Pastor of Passion City Church, Washington D.C. He previously served as the executive director of Breakaway Ministries. He is the author of Rest & War: Rhythms of a Well Fought Life, Single, Dating, Engaged, Married: Navigating Life and Love in the Modern Age, and the Bible study, This Changes Everything. Ben and his wife, Donna, currently reside in the Washington, D.C. area with their three kids, Hannah, Sparrow, and Owen.

What you will learn

  • The spiritual life is one movement with two parts. It is a movement away from things that promote isolation from God. It is a movement toward things that promote intimacy with God. What you will find in this study is not a scolding for your struggles nor a motivational speech to try harder. Ben Stuart seeks to bring you to the Good Shepherd, to show you the ancient path that leads to rest for your soul, and to equip you to advance toward your God-given destiny.

Invite friends for the journey

  • True spirituality always works itself out in the context of community because one of God’s greatest gifts to us is other people. Talk to a couple of friends or family members and walk this ancient path together.

A Field Guide
To the Spiritual Life

Session 1 - free to fight

Jesus has won the decisive victory. Our sin has been canceled and our debt has been paid. Because of that victory, that reality, we can now boldly pursue the victory he’s purchased for us. We make war against sin and promote the rest and enjoyment of God that we’ve been allowed back into that we lost in the garden.

Session 2 - Away and Toward

The spiritual life is one movement with two parts. It is a movement away from things that promote isolation from God. It is a movement toward things that promote intimacy with God. The act of moving away from sinful ways of thinking and living is called mortification. We put to death our former ways that impeded our intimacy with God. The act of moving toward godly ways of thinking and living is called vivification. We cultivate new ways of living that we want to thrive and flourish.

Session 3 - Downstream and Upstream

Scripture provides 4 ways for us to respond to temptation. 1. Eliminate the moment: If we know that temptation always leads to sin, then we need to avoid potential trap situations. 2. Look downstream: When temptation comes, we need to pause and consider what will be the outcome of our decision to act. 3. Look upstream: When temptation comes, we need to consider what is causing us to want to engage in it. 4. Have a good offense: The best way for us to resist is to have a healthy, thriving, and intimate relationship with God.

Session 4 - Consistency and Creativity

Jesus developed a rhythm in his life of cultivating devotion with the Father. As we follow Jesus’ lead, we should think in terms of 2 categories: 1. Consistency: We need a consistent rhythm for cultivating intimacy with God. 2. Creativity: We need to find different ways to interact with God to keep our relationship fresh, vibrant, and dynamic.

Session 5 - Focus and Unity

The early church was united as the body of Christ like a highly focused band of warriors. They shared everything in common, devoted themselves to the apostles’ teachings, and refused to let anything stop them. Cultures change when the community of faith has focus and unity.

Session 6 - Keep in Step

In order to win the war and experience rest, we need the Spirit of God to blow through our lives. If we want to live in the Spirit, we must walk by the Spirit and keep in step with him.